Zucchini with minced meat

Country: Egypt

Zucchini with minced meat dish is simple and delicious. Zucchini holds significant importance due to its high nutritional value and availability throughout the year, in addition to its ease of preparation


  • zucchini 1 Kilogram of zucchini
  • Ground meat 0.5 Kilogram of Ground meat
  • onion 1 Piece of onion
  • garlic 1 Teaspoon of garlic
  • Salt 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • Ground black pepper 1 Teaspoon of Ground black pepper
  • Butter 1 Tablespoon of Butter
  • tomato juice 3 Cup of tomato juice


  • 1

    In a pan, we add a spoon of ghee or butter, then we add the minced meat and stir until it changes color. Next, we add the chopped onion, salt, and black pepper, and we stir occasionally until it's fully cooked

  • 2

    In a baking dish, pour 3 cups of tomato juice, add salt, black pepper, and optional chicken broth. Place sliced or halved zucchinis on top, cook for 10 minutes. Then, add prepared minced meat and minced garlic, cook for 20 minutes

  • 3

    Afterward, place it under the grill for 5 minutes and serve hot

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