Olivier Salad

Country: Russia

Olivier salad is a famous Russian salad consisting of a delicious mix of boiled vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and eggs, along with peas and pickles. This mixture is seasoned with mayonnaise, giving it a rich and distinctive flavor


  • potatoes 4 Piece of potatoes
  • carrot 3 Piece of carrot
  • Peas 1 Cup of Peas
  • egg 2 Piece of egg
  • Pickled cucumber 2 Piece of Pickled cucumber
  • Spring Onion 2 Piece of Spring Onion
  • mayonnaise 0.5 Cup of mayonnaise
  • Salt 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • Ground black pepper 1 Teaspoon of Ground black pepper
  • Dill 0.5 Cup of Dill


  • 1

    We thoroughly wash the potatoes and carrots, then place them in boiling water until fully cooked. After that, we peel them and cut them into small cubes, setting them aside

  • 2

    We boil the eggs in boiling water for about 10 minutes, then peel them and cut them into small cubes

  • 3

    We place the frozen peas in a pot over heat with a little water until they are cooked

  • 4

    We cut the pickles, green onions, and dill into small pieces

  • 5

    In a large bowl, we combine the potatoes, carrots, pickles, green onions, dill, eggs, salt, black pepper, and a tablespoon of olive oil. We can also add small pieces of smoked turkey (optional)

  • 6

    Then, gradually add the mayonnaise while stirring until all the ingredients are well combined. You can optionally add sour cream as well

  • 7

    After that, we place the salad in a serving dish and serve it cold

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