Chicken fajita

Country: Mexico

Mexican Chicken Fajitas: An easy and simple recipe that allows you to experience a distinct Mexican flavor, combining few ingredients and an easy preparation method to deliver a taste full of flavor and appeal


  • Chicken breast 0.5 Kilogram of Chicken breast
  • Bell pepper 3 Piece of Bell pepper
  • onion 1 Piece of onion
  • Salt 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • Ground black pepper 1 Teaspoon of Ground black pepper
  • Paprika 1 Teaspoon of Paprika
  • Thyme powder 1 Teaspoon of Thyme powder
  • Curry powder 1 Teaspoon of Curry powder
  • Garlic powder 1 Teaspoon of Garlic powder
  • Starch 1 Teaspoon of Starch
  • Apple Cider Vinegar 2 Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Lemon 1 Piece of Lemon
  • olive oil 3 Tablespoon of olive oil


  • 1

    After washing the chicken breasts well, they are sliced ​​into strips. Then, sprinkle them with a teaspoon of (salt, black pepper, curry, paprika, garlic powder, oregano). Next, add a teaspoon of cornstarch, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, and the juice of one lemon. Stir all the ingredients well until they are thoroughly combined, then refrigerate for more than two hours

  • 2

    We cut the sweet bell peppers into thin slices, as well as the onions

  • 3

    In a pan over medium heat, we add a little oil, then we add the chicken mixture and stir it well for about 5 minutes. After that, we add the sweet bell peppers and onions, and let them cook together until they are fully cooked

  • 4

    Serve hot with rice or tortillas

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