cordon bleu

Country: Switzerland

Cordon bleu is a famous dish consisting of chicken breasts stuffed with cheese and processed meats, coated with breadcrumbs, and fried until golden and crispy. It originated from Swiss cuisine and has become popular worldwide


  • Chicken breast 1 Kilogram of Chicken breast
  • Smoked turkey 0.5 Kilogram of Smoked turkey
  • Cheddar cheese slices 0.5 Kilogram of Cheddar cheese slices
  • Salt 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • Ground black pepper 1 Teaspoon of Ground black pepper
  • Red Chilli Powder 1 Teaspoon of Red Chilli Powder
  • Paprika 1 Teaspoon of Paprika
  • Onion powder 1 Teaspoon of Onion powder
  • Garlic powder 1 Teaspoon of Garlic powder
  • egg 2 Piece of egg
  • bread crumbs 0.5 Kilogram of bread crumbs
  • Flour 1 Cup of Flour


  • 1

    We wash the chicken breasts well, then cut them into two slices if they are thick. Then we cover each slice with a kitchen bag and flatten it using a rolling pin or a meat mallet, depending on what is available

  • 2

    After that, we season the chicken by adding a teaspoon of (salt, black pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, paprika, and chili powder). We mix the spices with the chicken and leave it for about half an hour

  • 3

    After that, we prepare the cordon bleu. We take a slice of chicken, place a piece of smoked turkey and a slice of cheddar cheese on top, and then roll the chicken slice. We wrap it tightly in plastic wrap, pressing it firmly while rolling, and seal it securely at the ends

  • 4

    We repeat the previous step with the remaining quantity, then place them on a tray and leave them in the freezer for an hour to firm up

  • 5

    After an hour, we take it out of the freezer and remove the plastic wrap. Then, we coat the cordon bleu in flour, dip it in beaten eggs, and then coat it well with fine breadcrumbs

  • 6

    In a pan on the stove, we heat the oil well. Then, we start frying the cordon bleu over medium heat, turning it continuously until it becomes golden brown. Finally, we take it out and serve it with salads and your favorite sauce

  • 7

    You can use any type of processed meat (smoked turkey, salami, luncheon meat, roast beef)

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