Lebanese Fattoush

Country: Lebanon

Fattoush is a traditional Lebanese salad characterized by its fresh taste, vibrant appearance, and rich medley of vegetables and flavors. It's a perfect choice for the summer season, served cold, offering a refreshing and light eating experience.


  • Tomato 1 Piece of Tomato
  • Cucumber 2 Piece of Cucumber
  • Lettuce 1 Piece of Lettuce
  • Parsley 0.25 Cup of Parsley
  • Mint 0.25 Cup of Mint
  • Radish Greens 4 Piece of Radish Greens
  • Spring Onion 2 Piece of Spring Onion
  • carrot 1 Piece of carrot
  • green pepper 1 Piece of green pepper
  • Lemon 0.25 Cup of Lemon
  • olive oil 0.25 Cup of olive oil
  • Sumac 1 Tablespoon of Sumac
  • Salt 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • Pomegranate molasses 1 Tablespoon of Pomegranate molasses
  • Pitta Bread 2 Piece of Pitta Bread


  • 1

    Cut the tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, parsley, mint, radish leaves, green onions, and green peppers into small pieces. Grate carrots over them. Then, add a quarter cup of lemon juice and a quarter cup of olive oil. Add a tablespoon of sumac and a tablespoon of pomegranate molasses. Season with salt to taste. Mix all the ingredients together until they are well combined

  • 2

    Cut the Arabic bread into relatively small pieces and toast it in the oven

  • 3

    Place the fattoush in a serving dish and garnish it with the toasted bread

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