
Country: Mexico

Quesadilla is one of the traditional Mexican dishes that combines simplicity and deliciousness. It consists of tortilla bread filled with tasty cheese and grilled chicken with fresh vegetables, making it a delicious and easy-to-prepare meal


  • Tortilla 5 Piece of Tortilla
  • Chicken breast 0.5 Kilogram of Chicken breast
  • Bell pepper 2 Piece of Bell pepper
  • onion 1 Piece of onion
  • olive oil 2 Tablespoon of olive oil
  • Cheddar cheese 1 Cup of Cheddar cheese
  • Salt 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • Ground black pepper 1 Teaspoon of Ground black pepper


  • 1

    In a pan, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil, then add a finely chopped onion and finely chopped red and yellow bell peppers. Next, add the chicken breasts after washing and cutting them into small pieces. Add the spices (salt, black pepper, paprika) and cook until the chicken is fully cooked

  • 2

    Place a tortilla in a pan, then add shredded cheddar cheese on one half only. Next, add the chicken mixture on top of the cheese, then add more shredded cheddar cheese. Fold the empty half of the tortilla over the filling to close it. Cook for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden and the cheese melts. Serve hot

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