Caesar salad

Country: Italy

Caesar salad is one of the most famous salads in the world, known for its delicious and distinctive taste. Caesar salad is an ideal choice for people looking for a light and healthy meal at the same time


  • Lettuce 1 Piece of Lettuce
  • Toast 2 Piece of Toast
  • Tomato 1 Piece of Tomato
  • Parmesan 2 Tablespoon of Parmesan
  • Chicken breast 1 Piece of Chicken breast
  • Mustard 1 Tablespoon of Mustard
  • olive oil 2 Tablespoon of olive oil
  • vinegar 2 Tablespoon of vinegar
  • Lemon 1 Piece of Lemon
  • garlic 1 Teaspoon of garlic
  • Salt 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • Ground black pepper 1 Teaspoon of Ground black pepper
  • sugar 1 Tablespoon of sugar


  • 1

    Cut the bread into 1-2 cm cubes, then add a tablespoon of olive oil and (salt, black pepper, paprika). Place it in a preheated oven for 10 minutes until it becomes golden, then take it out and set it aside

  • 2

    In a pan over the stove, add a tablespoon of olive oil, then add the chicken after washing and cutting it into small cubes. Add the spices (salt, black pepper, paprika)

  • 3

    To prepare the dressing, in a small bowl, place one tablespoon of mustard, one tablespoon of olive oil, one tablespoon of vinegar, the juice of one lemon, one teaspoon of minced garlic, one tablespoon of sugar or honey, and salt and black pepper to taste. Mix the ingredients until well combined

  • 4

    In a large bowl, place the washed and sliced lettuce, then add one diced tomato. Next, add the croutons and grilled chicken. Pour the dressing over them and gently toss the ingredients until all the flavors are well combined. Sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese on top, then serve the salad

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