Moroccan Harira

Country: Morocco

Moroccan Harira is a traditional, hearty meal usually served during Ramadan and special occasions. It includes meat, chickpeas, lentils, tomatoes, and spices like ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper, and cumin, along with fresh herbs such as parsley, celery, and coriander


  • Meat 0.5 Kilogram of Meat
  • onion 1 Piece of onion
  • Tomato 2 Piece of Tomato
  • Chickpeas 1 Cup of Chickpeas
  • Black Lentils 1 Cup of Black Lentils
  • Vermicelli 0.5 Cup of Vermicelli
  • Parsley 0.5 Cup of Parsley
  • coriander 0.5 Cup of coriander
  • olive oil 2 Tablespoon of olive oil
  • Butter 1 Tablespoon of Butter
  • Flour 2 Tablespoon of Flour
  • turmeric 1 Teaspoon of turmeric
  • Ground black pepper 1 Teaspoon of Ground black pepper
  • Ground cumin 1 Teaspoon of Ground cumin
  • Salt 1 Tablespoon of Salt
  • cinnamon 1 Teaspoon of cinnamon
  • Ginger powder 1 Teaspoon of Ginger powder
  • celery 0.5 Cup of celery


  • 1

    In a large pot, heat the olive oil with the butter, then add the meat pieces and stir until their color changes. Add a chopped onion and stir until golden. Then add 2 grated tomatoes and stir the ingredients well for 5 minutes

  • 2

    After that, add half a cup of finely chopped (parsley, celery, coriander), then add the spices: a teaspoon of (ground ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper, cumin) and salt to taste

  • 3

    After that, add a cup of chickpeas (soaked overnight) and a cup of lentils (soaked for an hour) and stir the mixture until all the ingredients are well combined

  • 4

    After that, add about one and a half liters of water to the mixture and bring it to a boil. Then, reduce the heat and let the mixture simmer for about an hour

  • 5

    In a small bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of flour with a little water and stir well until you get a smooth mixture without lumps. Then add it to the soup and stir well until it blends and the soup thickens

  • 6

    After that, add half a cup of vermicelli pasta and let it cook on medium heat for another 15 minutes until the pasta is cooked. Then, serve the Harira soup hot with lemon.

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