Moroccan couscous

Country: Morocco

Moroccan couscous is a famous traditional dish that dates back centuries and is an integral part of Moroccan and North African cuisine. This dish is characterized by its rich flavors and diverse ingredients and is considered a complete and balanced meal


  • Meat 0.5 Kilogram of Meat
  • onion 2 Piece of onion
  • potatoes 2 Piece of potatoes
  • carrot 3 Piece of carrot
  • zucchini 2 Piece of zucchini
  • Chickpeas 200 Gram of Chickpeas
  • Ground cumin 1 Teaspoon of Ground cumin
  • turmeric 1 Teaspoon of turmeric
  • cinnamon 1 Teaspoon of cinnamon
  • Ginger powder 1 Teaspoon of Ginger powder
  • Ground black pepper 1 Teaspoon of Ground black pepper
  • Salt 1 Tablespoon of Salt
  • olive oil 3 Tablespoon of olive oil
  • Bell pepper 1 Piece of Bell pepper
  • Couscous 0.5 Kilogram of Couscous


  • 1

    In a large pot, heat the olive oil, then add the chopped onion and sauté until it becomes golden brown. Add the meat and cook it until it is browned on all sides. Then add the vegetables: potatoes, zucchini, bell peppers, and carrots (after slicing them lengthwise)

  • 2

    Then, add the spices (salt, black pepper, cumin, turmeric, cinnamon, ground ginger) and stir well. Add water until it covers the ingredients and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat and let it simmer for about an hour or until the meat and vegetables are fully cooked

  • 3

    Fifteen minutes before the end of cooking, add the cooked chickpeas

  • 4

    To prepare the couscous, place the couscous in a large bowl and add a tablespoon of butter, mixing them together. Then, add about 3 tablespoons of meat broth. Steam the couscous for 20 minutes to make it softer

  • 5

    For serving, place the couscous in a large, wide serving dish. Add the meat and vegetables on top of the couscous, then pour the broth evenly over it. Serve hot

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