Macaroni Bechamel

Country: Egypt

Macaroni bechamel sauce is one of the classic and beloved dishes worldwide. It is characterized by its rich flavor and creamy texture, resulting in a delicious and satisfying taste experience, especially with the additional Egyptian touch


  • Macaroni Penne 0.5 Kilogram of Macaroni Penne
  • Flour 4 Tablespoon of Flour
  • Butter 3 Tablespoon of Butter
  • milk 1 Liter of milk
  • Ground meat 0.5 Kilogram of Ground meat
  • onion 2 Piece of onion
  • Salt 1 Tablespoon of Salt
  • Ground black pepper 1 Tablespoon of Ground black pepper
  • Seven spices 1 Teaspoon of Seven spices
  • Cream cheese 1 Cup of Cream cheese


  • 1

    We put half a kilo of ground meat in a pan on the heat until its color changes

  • 2

    We chop the onions and add them to the ground meat, stirring well. Then, we add salt, black pepper, and half a teaspoon of seven spices, mixing well until everything is cooked through

  • 3

    To prepare the pasta, in a pot on the heat with boiling water, we add salt and boil the penne pasta. We stir the pasta occasionally until it's ready

  • 4

    For the bechamel sauce, in a pot on the heat, we melt about 3 tablespoons of butter. Then, we add 4 tablespoons of flour and stir them together. We leave them on the heat until the color becomes dark

  • 5

    Then, we gradually add the milk while stirring constantly without stopping until all the ingredients are well combined without lumps. After that, we add the cream cheese, salt, black pepper, and chicken broth (optional). If the consistency is too thick, we can thin it out with milk or pasta cooking water until we achieve the desired texture

  • 6

    After draining the pasta from the cooking water, we transfer it to a pot and add two tablespoons of bechamel sauce and a spoonful of ground meat

  • 7

    In a baking dish, we put two large tablespoons of bechamel sauce and spread it evenly. Then, we layer half of the pasta and spread the ground meat on top. Optionally, we add mozzarella cheese. Next, we add the remaining half of the pasta and pour béchamel sauce over it

  • 8

    We bake the baking dish with the macaroni bechamel sauce in the oven for about 15 minutes

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