
Country: Turkey

Kazandibi is a traditional dessert famous in Turkish cuisine. It is considered a type of pudding characterized by its creamy texture and sweet taste with a distinctive flavor touch


  • milk 1 Liter of milk
  • Flour 1 Cup of Flour
  • Rice flour 0.5 Cup of Rice flour
  • sugar 1 Cup of sugar
  • Starch 2 Tablespoon of Starch
  • Vanilla 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla


  • 1

    In a large pot, heat the milk over medium heat until it starts to warm. Then add the dry ingredients (flour, rice flour, sugar, starch) and stir well until all the ingredients dissolve in the milk and make sure there are no lumps

  • 2

    Before boiling, add the vanilla and cinnamon (optional), and continue cooking until the kazandibi becomes thick and creamy

  • 3

    In a medium-sized baking tray, grease it well with butter, then add about half a cup of sugar and spread it evenly. Leave it on medium heat until it melts and turns into a golden caramel color (do not stir the sugar until it starts to melt)

  • 4

    After the sugar becomes caramelized, carefully pour the hot kazandibi mixture over the melted caramel. Use a spoon to level the surface and leave it on the heat for about 3 minutes to allow the layers to combine. (If the kazandibi mixture solidifies, you can blend it with a hand blender) before pouring it over the caramel

  • 5

    Leave it to cool, then transfer it to the refrigerator for about two hours or more. Gently cut it so that the kazandibi pieces come out with the caramel

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