Panna cotta

Country: Italy

Panna cotta is a traditional Italian dessert characterized by its smooth and creamy texture and rich flavor. This dessert is one of the tastiest and easiest Italian sweets to prepare


  • Whipping cream 2 Cup of Whipping cream
  • sugar 0.5 Cup of sugar
  • milk 0.5 Cup of milk
  • Vanilla 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla
  • Gelatin 2 Tablespoon of Gelatin


  • 1

    In a small bowl, mix the gelatin with cold water

  • 2

    In a medium saucepan, mix the cream, milk, and sugar. Heat the mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves, then remove it from the heat

  • 3

    After that, add the dissolved gelatin and vanilla, and stir the ingredients well. Heat the mixture again until it reaches a boil

  • 4

    Pour the mixture into molds or small serving cups and let it cool at room temperature. Then, place it in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours until it sets completely

  • 5

    Serve the panna cotta cold with fruits or fruit sauce as desired

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