Sweet Crepes

Country: France

Crepes are a type of very thin pancakes that are one of the most famous French desserts. Crepes are known for their soft and delicate texture and can be enjoyed in various ways


  • Flour 1.5 Cup of Flour
  • milk 2 Cup of milk
  • Butter 2 Tablespoon of Butter
  • egg 2 Piece of egg
  • sugar 3 Tablespoon of sugar
  • Vanilla 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla


  • 1

    Place the milk, sugar, vanilla, eggs, and melted butter in the blender and blend on medium speed for about a minute. Then, add the flour and blend again until the mixture is smooth and free of lumps

  • 2

    Let the batter rest in the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes. This helps to improve the texture of the crepes when cooking

  • 3

    Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat and lightly grease it with a bit of butter. Pour about a quarter cup of the batter into the pan, swirling it to spread the batter evenly in a thin layer. Cook for about a minute, or until the edges begin to dry, then flip it and cook until the other side turns golden brown

  • 4

    Crepes can be served with chocolate and strawberries or berries, or with custard, bananas, and honey

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