Om Ali

Country: Egypt

Om Ali is a traditional Egyptian dessert that is delicious and easy to prepare. It features a creamy texture and a rich blend of flavors


  • puff pastry 2 Piece of puff pastry
  • milk 4 Cup of milk
  • sugar 0.5 Cup of sugar
  • cream 0.5 Cup of cream
  • Vanilla 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla


  • 1

    In a preheated oven, bake the puff pastry until it turns golden (you can substitute it with croissants or phyllo dough). Afterward, cut it into small pieces

  • 2

    In a large bowl, boil the milk with sugar and vanilla, and mix the ingredients well until the sugar is completely dissolved

  • 3

    In a baking dish or ovenproof pan, grease it with butter, then add the pieces of puff pastry. Next, add the nuts, raisins, and coconut, and mix the ingredients together until they are evenly distributed

  • 4

    Next, pour the milk mixture over the puff pastry until it is completely covered. Then, add the cream or whipped cream as desired, and you can sprinkle a little sugar on top

  • 5

    Then, place the dish in the oven and bake for about 20 minutes, or until the surface turns golden and the mixture becomes set

  • 6

    It can be served warm or cold, according to your preference

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