Pickled tomatoes

Country: Egypt

Pickled tomatoes are characterized by their slightly tangy and spicy flavor, with a hint of garlic and spices. The tomatoes are crisp and acidic, making them a delicious and distinctive addition to meals, as they provide a refreshing flavor and balance to various dishes


  • Tomato 1 Kilogram of Tomato
  • garlic 1 Tablespoon of garlic
  • Parsley 1 Cup of Parsley
  • Lemon 2 Piece of Lemon
  • vinegar 1 Tablespoon of vinegar
  • Ground cumin 1 Tablespoon of Ground cumin
  • Ground black pepper 1 Teaspoon of Ground black pepper
  • Salt 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • Red Chilli Powder 1 Teaspoon of Red Chilli Powder


  • 1

    Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and cut them into halves or quarters, depending on their size

  • 2

    In a large bowl, add the tomatoes, then incorporate the garlic, parsley, olive oil, lemon juice, and vinegar. Next, add the spices (salt, black pepper, cumin, and chili powder) and mix all the ingredients well until the flavors are well combined

  • 3

    Then, transfer the mixture to a serving dish and it is recommended to refrigerate it for about half an hour before serving to enhance the flavor

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