Goulash with minced

Country: Egypt

Goulash with minced meat is a traditional Egyptian dish characterized by a delightful blend of flavors and textures. This dish consists of thin layers of phyllo pastry filled with minced meat. The goulash is baked until it becomes crispy and golden, while the filling inside remains tender and delicious.


  • Filo dough 500 Gram of Filo dough
  • Ground meat 500 Gram of Ground meat
  • onion 1 Piece of onion
  • milk 1 Cup of milk
  • Butter 0.5 Cup of Butter
  • Salt 1 Teaspoon of Salt
  • Ground black pepper 1 Teaspoon of Ground black pepper


  • 1

    In a skillet over medium heat, heat a little vegetable oil and add the chopped onion. Sauté until it softens and turns golden. Then, add the minced meat and cook it until it is fully done and its color changes. Next, add the spices (salt, black pepper, and meat seasoning), then let it cool slightly

  • 2

    After that, grease a baking dish with a little melted butter. Place a sheet of phyllo pastry in the dish and brush it with melted butter. Then, place another sheet on top and brush it with butter as well. Repeat this step until you have used half of the pastry sheets

  • 3

    Next, evenly distribute the minced meat filling over the phyllo sheets (you can optionally add mozzarella cheese on top of the minced meat). Then, cover the filling with the remaining phyllo sheets, brushing each layer with melted butter as before

  • 4

    After that, cut the goulash into squares or triangles as desired. Pour a cup of milk mixed with a pinch of salt and black pepper over it. Then, place the baking dish in a preheated oven for about 25 minutes or until the top is crispy and golden brown

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