Apam Balik

Country: Malaysia

Apam Balik is a type of Malaysian pancake filled with a sweet mixture of crushed peanuts and sugar. It has a crispy exterior and a soft interior, making it a delicious and popular snack


  • Flour 1 Cup of Flour
  • sugar 0.5 Cup of sugar
  • milk 1 Cup of milk
  • Yeast Faure 1 Teaspoon of Yeast Faure
  • egg 1 Piece of egg
  • Salt 0.5 Teaspoon of Salt
  • Baking powder 1 Teaspoon of Baking powder
  • peanut 1 Cup of peanut
  • Vanilla 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla


  • 1

    In a large bowl, mix the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, yeast, baking powder, and salt)

  • 2

    Next, add the milk and half a cup of water, then add the egg and vanilla. Mix until you get a smooth batter without any lumps

  • 3

    Cover the bowl and let the batter ferment in a warm place for an hour or until it doubles in size

  • 4

    Next, heat a non-stick pan or griddle over medium heat. Pour a portion of the batter into the pan and let it spread into a circular shape. Cover the pan and cook until bubbles start to appear on the surface

  • 5

    When the bubbles appear, sprinkle sugar over the surface, followed by the crushed peanuts. Fold the pancake to cover the filling and let each side cook for about a minute

  • 6

    Then, remove the Apam Balik from the pan and let it cool slightly before slicing it into pieces and serving

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