Chocolate mousse

Country: France

Chocolate mousse is a traditional French dessert with its origins in French cuisine. It is characterized by its creamy, smooth texture and rich chocolate flavor. It is typically made using simple ingredients such as dark chocolate, whipped cream, eggs, and sugar


  • chocolate 200 Gram of chocolate
  • egg 2 Piece of egg
  • sugar 0.25 Cup of sugar
  • Whipping cream 1 Cup of Whipping cream
  • Vanilla 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla


  • 1

    We gently melt the dark chocolate. This can be done using a double boiler (placing the chocolate bowl over a pot of simmering water) or in the microwave in short bursts, stirring between each burst until completely melted. Then, let it cool slightly

  • 2

    In a large bowl, whisk the eggs with the sugar and vanilla using an electric mixer until the mixture becomes light in color and creamy

  • 3

    Next, add the whipped cream and whisk well until the mixture becomes relatively thick

  • 4

    Then, add the melted chocolate and whisk again until all the ingredients are well combined

  • 5

    Next, pour the mousse into cups or serving dishes and refrigerate for at least two hours. It can be decorated with chocolate pieces or fruit and served cold

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