Oreo Cream Dessert

Country: United States

Oreo Cream Dessert is a cold and easy-to-make treat. This dessert is distinguished by its rich flavor and the harmonious combination of the crunchy texture of Oreo cookies and the smooth, creamy texture of the cream


  • Biscuit Oreo 300 Gram of Biscuit Oreo
  • Whipping cream 2 Cup of Whipping cream
  • Cream cheese 1 Cup of Cream cheese
  • sugar 0.5 Cup of sugar
  • Vanilla 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla


  • 1

    Crush the Oreo cookies until they become very fine

  • 2

    In a large bowl, whip the cream using an electric mixer until it becomes relatively thick. Then, add the cream cheese, powdered sugar, and vanilla, and continue whisking until the mixture is smooth and all the ingredients are well combined

  • 3

    In serving cups, place a layer of crushed cookies, then add a layer of the cream mixture, followed by another layer of crushed cookies or melted chocolate

  • 4

    After that, place the Oreo cream dessert in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours until it sets, then serve it cold

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